Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Taking Care of Business

I'm getting all sorts of to-do's checked off my list.
The landscapers changed the sprinkler timing--even though they were just supposed to adjust a few times. They don't realize that I'm actually pretty good with the system.

But we've got 47 zones so it practically takes a math degree to figure out correct timing so
#1: everything can finish within a 24 hour cycle, AND
#2: everything gets the appropriate amount of water, AND
#3: the grass doesn't get watered at night so it doesn't get a fungus.

But I did it. And it was actually pretty fun.

Finished spreadsheet:

I should have bought stock in The Container Store.
Or at least signed up for their rewards program.
But I'm getting so many areas organized. It's very rewarding (even without actual reward points).

The only problem is when I fix one spot, I open another drawer and find 
something else that needs to be done.

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