Thursday, September 19, 2019


Today KT and I hiked the Birch Hollow trail again in Millcreek. (Same one Dan and I did last week for my birthday.) Kershaw got to come and he whimpered so much with excitement on the way, it made me feel a little guilty we don't take him on adventures more often! A walk in the neighborhood is just not nearly as exciting as a trip in the car to a hike in the mountains!

This time of year sunflowers are lining the roads. The smallish kind that I'm not sure are actually considered sunflowers, but we all call them that. Mostly on the north and west sides of the roads. Emigration canyon, Millcreek canyon and in the parks and neighborhoods where nature has taken over.

On my way to meet KT at 7:45 this morning, I saw a car pulled over on the side of the road. A part of the road that isn't maintained between Wasatch Boulevard and the freeway. It's usually just dry weeds, but right now, its filled with sunflowers. The owner of the car was an elderly man, looked to be in his 80's. Thin build, bowed legs, jeans and a plaid flannel shirt with a work cap on. He was standing in the middle of the sunflowers with a bouquet in his hand and working on cutting some more.

It was about the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

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