Friday, July 30, 2021

Adrenaline, Part 1

Courtney and Michael's flight was delayed hours and hours on Thursday, so instead of me picking them up at the airport at 9:00 p.m, they didn't make it home until 3:00 a.m. Friday. And both had to start work at 7:00 a.m. But they were up and at 'em anyway, thanks to adrenaline.

On Thursday I couldn't sleep because of a sore throat and therefore suffocating being unable to swallow. Spent a long night on the couch in the bunkhouse living room in Pagosa. Wrapped up in Courtney's comfy college blanket and it wasn't actually too bad. Sleeping that is. My throat was miserable and got progressively worse over the rest of the day. I originally blamed it on being poisoned by our very unfortunate well placement and resultant salty water (think 50% salt content... is that more than the ocean?)

My sore throat didn't improve by Friday and headache and body aches followed, so I scheduled a Covid test, just in case. It would be astonishing if I actually had Covid (given I had it already AND I'm vaccinated), but with Chris coming home and him not being vaccinated, I wanted to be sure. (Just three more days!)

Friday morning I gave Michael an air hug, but couldn't resist hugging Courtney for real. Tried to keep my distance, but realized I'd been right close to her while looking at her computer. Thankfully my Covid test came back negative (no surprise), so I've only been spreading the common cold and not contributing to the rapid spread of the Delta variant and worsening this never-ending pandemic.

I know I should lock myself in my room to slow the spread (of the common cold) and would have loved to crawl into bed for a few hours, but its so fun having comings and goings of all the kids (almost all the kids) that adrenaline has me hopped up!

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