Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dress-Up Visions

 Today while I was shopping in J. Crew, an 8-year-old girl pointed to the child mannequin's outfit and called across the store to her mom, "Is this your vision of how I should dress?" 

Laughing, the mom replied, "Yes, that's exactly my vision." 

The little girl responded, "I don't know about that." 

Moms and our visions. 
We get about three years to choose clothes for our children, and after that, 
we can try, but I've wasted a lot of money on unworn outfits. 

(I hope some day my kids look back and are really sorry they didn't take me up 
on all the cute clothes I offered to buy them from J. Crew!!)

By the way, if you're thinking of shopping for a new top to match a striped skirt you haven't worn since before Covid, don't bother. All the racks in all the stores are jam-packed with sweats outfits. 
Every style, every color--mostly tie-dye--you could want. 
But here's the thing, wasn't that so 2020?
We're going out again. We don't need sweats anymore.
Nordstroms, Loft, J.Crew, Banana, T.J. Maxx -- Sweats. That's it.

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