Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Dan and I got a text from Marge on Sunday afternoon saying she was having severe breathing problems which started the evening before which she thought was from the high pollen count in the air. 
They got worse when she laid in bed, so she had to sleep the whole night 
in a straight back chair with her head on a pillow on her desk. 😭
Her oximeter said her oxygen was only 71% (which is REALLY low).

She said she was getting scared and asked if Dan could come over and give her a Priesthood blessing, 
then added, "but if you are going to watch the Oscars, I can wait."
Oh Marge, can't breathe and scared, but willing to wait if we were in the middle of something fun.

(Side note: I didn't even know they were having the Oscars this year. 
Were there even any movies that came out?)

Dan was out of town, but Marty and Lizzie were here and I'm so glad they were able to come to Marge's with me. I called a friend who is a nurse who said she needed to go to the ER immediately. Oxygen levels were too low. If it was just asthma, they'd give her a breathing treatment and she could go home when her levels were more normal. But they would also do an x-ray and take blood tests to rule out other problems. Rachel called back while we were with Marge and confirmed what my friend said. 

Getting in the car was a trick because Marge's legs were weak from the lack of oxygen. 
Gratefully Marty is amazingly strong and a plumber working across the street 
ran over to help when he saw our predicament.
(Marge sitting on the ground and the three of us brainstorming 
how to help her in the car when the seat was so high.)
The plumber and Marty literally picked her up and got her in. They were heroic.

Fortunately one visitor is allowed in the hospital room now and so I was able to go in with her.
After numerous blood tests, x-rays, Cat Scans and echocardiograms, she was diagnosed 
with congestive heart failure. The main priority for her stay in the hospital is to help get the fluid out of her lungs and body with an IV diuretic. 

She's in good spirits. Said she hasn't talked to this many people since Covid started.
The nurses are sweet, I've been there when the doctor comes each day and he's calm and helpful and happy to answer all our questions. Originally projected to go home tomorrow. 
But that all depends on clearing up the congestion.
But she looks great and is feeling positive. 
Once she's discharged, she should be able to maintain clear lung function through a diuretic 
and resume her normal activity.

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