Thursday, April 08, 2021


 Oh shoot, I'm behind.
I have six pages to prepare for my class that started YESTERDAY and to write a one page summary.
And I haven't done anything yet! I thought it was due tomorrow at noon, but I think I actually have more time than that. But still, I'm behind.

However, I had so much fun with the Ladies and ended up getting 
a year of photos entered into my digital scrapbook.

Now I just need to find a couple more days in my life to write notes about the pics and format them to the page. But, so amazed at what I accomplished in two days while having fun chats with my friends. 

Especially can't forget the punch drunk laughing-so-hard-we-couldn't-speak when it got late on Tuesday  night. Of course it all started with me asking how they would pronounce "flaccid." A fun fact from my class last term and different from what you think. It's with a hard c! No one believed me and everyone looked it up to prove me wrong. But I was proved right... unless you're speaking British English. Then those c's are the "s" sound like I'll bet you thought they were. I think we started chortling when we each tried our British accent version then regressed into full hysterics when someone asked what it meant and I tried to read the definition and couldn't get through it without laughing so hard I was crying. And of course that made everyone else laugh hysterically and someone else finished reading the definition but someone else made a finger example and we laughed even harder. And that's the difference between being with girlfriends when you're exhausted and trying to parent when you're exhausted. With one group you laugh and the other you cry. (Or yell. Or yell, then cry... I'm so glad those exhausted days are behind me!)

These friends are good for the soul. We talk about spiritual things and personal things and positive things. We share hard things and get encouragement but always in a constructive and supportive way.
I come home uplifted, refreshed and grateful for my family, my friends and my blessings.

Today the positivity and spiritual nourishment continued with a walk with Kristin in the morning and lunch with Carol and Jenny. Look at me! Surrounded by wonderful friends and family. I'm so fortunate.

Since I missed Tuesday, I stopped by Clara's today. She said she can't remember what day it is so if I come Thursday instead of Tuesday its all the same to her. She seemed old today. 

We had to call the bank to get a new box of checks so they had to verify with her that I could speak to them on her behalf. They asked her what our relationship was and she said, "I've known her for Boo-koo years." (I think I'm getting more years credit than I actually have, but still...) 
And then she said, "She's my dearest friend in the whole world. My very best friend." 
And actually that probably is true.

As I was leaving the complex, I noticed a neighbor trying to manage a Costco sized package of toilet paper with her walker. I walked past, then turned around. 
I knew her from the old ward but hadn't seen her in years. 

"Kathy, you probably don't remember me, but would you like help getting that to your apartment?"
"I know you. You're Angela. I remember you from the old ward. I don't need any help, I've got a system and can manage just fine. But how are you?"

We chatted for a bit and I asked her if she still plays the violin. 
She asked me how Clara was and said she knew I helped her each week. 
I have no idea how she remembered me or that she knew I helped Clara. 
But it made me so glad I didn't just walk right past without offering to help.
And there was something about her knowing my name that just brightened my day. 
I have a feeling she felt the same.

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