Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fish Fry, Moon Jellies & Shopping

While Dan, Eric and Mikey went on a run,
Steph, Millie and I did barre on the porch.

The ocean was a great place for Dan's ritual ice bath after a workout.
Eric is game for anything.

We found a moon jelly fish on the beach (verified by the friendly lifeguard).

Then sent it back to sea.

Yesterday's fresh caught mackeral for lunch with a dip Nick whipped up.

Shopping in town with Steph and Millie.
(I hope I can fit my new things in my bag!
 I packed extra on the way out since the weather forecast was all over the place...
I've never packed so much for a trip in my life!)\

But the weather has been fantastic!
Since Sunday, the water has calmed down, is a gorgeous green and blue
and the outdoor temps are a warm 70*+.

We tried Amaci's for dinner -- an easy bike ride from the house.
Except that Dan tripped on the way out the door and sprained his ankle.
He iced it for a bit then met us at the restaurant.
So frustrating when he's been diligently training for the half marathon!

Had enough time to catch the end of the outdoor movie -- Maleficent.
Fortunately Millie had seen it before and filled us in.

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