Wednesday, July 15, 2020

First, A Walk This Morning

Didn't take enough pictures on my walk this morning,
but it's beautiful out in the country. I wish I also got a pic of The Polar King, 
The Diner, the Lunt's house we went to in high school, and a beautiful pasture.

Chef Shaef made some amazing pancakes for lunch -- fruity pebble and chocolate chip.

After a few tries with different bait, Dan caught the first fish.

He let Nick hold the pole while he showed the boys how to unhook the fish and release it.

Before too long, Nick caught his own. Two in fact.

In the afternoon we drove up Mirror Lake Highway. Our first stop was Provo Falls.

I'd never been on this drive before. It was beautiful to see so many lakes up here in the Uintas.
We passed probably ten.

We got back in time to make a spaghetti dinner and then head to the lake for a couple of hours. 
Last night and tonight we got on the lake about 8:00 p.m. just as the wind died down and boated until dark. 

Everyone surfed, and Nick worked on trying to jump the wake on the powerboard.
We thought he was really close, but he wasn't satisfied until he jumped the whole thing.

And at 10:30 at night, Luke tried to get his practicing in! 
Nick and Will hot tubbed, Dan made a fire and I roasted marshmallows.
Every night we go to bed exhausted, but we gotta get up early to ski in the morning!

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