Monday, January 13, 2020


I am loving this podcast. Also the seamless connection from my phone to my car for listening to podcasts! I think I'll download Audible so I can listen to books in my car more often. (It might be a good way to get through Becoming by Michelle Obama. After only reading a few pages, I always fall asleep. I've read a ton and I'm still in the middle of her childhood. There's nothing wrong. It's sweet. There's just nothing exciting either.)

My mom and I went for a walk in the freshly fallen dusting of snow. It was slippery, but just as we thought we'd need to turn back, we arrived at the river path with better traction. We've been very focused on closing our rings on the Activity tracker on our Apple watches. 

In the evening we went to Seussical at Hale with Dan, Me, Mom and Marge. (Nick begged to go to lacrosse weight training instead. It was probably a good move for him.) But the rest of us thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot was thin, but the show was entertaining. The Cat in the Hat character was A-Maz-Ing and stole the show! The set was fantastic too. I'm floored with what they pull off at our "little regional theater." 

The adults had dinner at an Italian restaurant. Nick had to fend for himself. When we got home we found that he'd made rice and sauteed sausages and mushrooms. His rice didn't quite turn out (he kept it on boil, so there wasn't enough liquid), but I am always so impressed that he doesn't shy away from cooking for himself. (Not just resorting to mac 'n cheese or toast!)

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