Sunday, January 12, 2020

Happy Birthday to Nick!

I drove kids home from Youth Conference, 
but Nick hitched a ride with our bishop to meet Dan skiing.

I can't believe he (and the bishop) had the energy to ski! I was exhausted!
We went out to Bonsai for his birthday dinner.
It never gets old.

Today we had our usual waffle breakfast and Nick opened presents. 
He was a good sport about it being just Dan and me to celebrate him!

Then I helped him prepare because he had to teach his class lesson today.
One thing I love about Nick is he's very teachable. 
He was annoyed when he realized he was teaching (he'd forgotten).
But he didn't waste time and took me up on my offer to help him think through ideas.

He's great at formulating questions and putting ideas together.
He also got set apart as the new Teacher's Quorum President today.
His teacher said he's so impressed with Nick and how he's kind to everyone. 
He's cool and kids want to be like him, and he's also inclusive and a good friend.
He's also dependable and takes his responsibilities seriously.

After church, Marty and Lizzie came down from Provo to be here for dinner and his birthday!
Grandma also came because she's in town to babysit for Sheree next week.

We had crab, artichokes, Caesars' salad and rolls. 
Ended with Nick's favorite Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese frosting (and chocolate chips)!

Happy Birthday, Nick!

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