Thursday, August 29, 2019

Rivalry Day

Oh Ugh! Losing to the U is becoming so common we find ourselves just hoping to not have it be a blowout. Another way to make it less painful, was to invite friends over for a party. Lots of mixed fans and everyone was good sports. Most couples who came were Utes whose kids all go to BYU!

Michelle had the idea that we set up a TV outside. The nights have been so warm, it turned out to be totally perfect! We had the TV going in the family room where a bunch of people hung out, and the other TV right outside where another group and all the teenagers watched. (The sound ran through the outdoor Sonos so was perfectly clear.)

In the morning, Dan wanted me to come with him to the final speaker for their Annual Conference. The speaker was an incredible magician who relates magic to business. As we walked out the door, Marty said yes to the invite to come too!

The magic was mind-blowing and I loved his talk as well on perception = reality (a concept that was drilled into us in my communications classes) and effects vs. results.

We had lunch after and then sent Marty home in an Uber while Dan and I went to Busath to view our family photos. They are so cute! 

Then we hurried home so Dan and Marty could make a 3:00 tee time. It's been a full day!

And for dinner (the game didn't start until 8:15), Marty made Mabodofu. 
I offered to help, but he wanted to do it himself, although he got Nick in on the action, teaching him how to saute the potatoes and peppers. It was fun watching them work together.

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