Friday, August 30, 2019

Belated Birthday

Today Dan took the day off in honor of his belated birthday.

First celebratory act was, after getting Nick off to school, going back to bed and sleeping until 9:00!
We woke up to Chris' mission e-mail and the news that he would be calling that afternoon. Yay!

For exercise, we took Kershaw on our walk -- walking the long way up the road and around the canal path through the bridge. (It's a very exciting new route and short cut!)

We had just enough time to shower and dash to our massage appointments. In between our appointments, Chris called! I talked to him for 10 minutes then ran into my massage. 
Dan talked to him the rest of the time and then we caught up on everything 
Chris said over lunch at Nordstrom Cafe.

Back at home we swam and laid out by the pool for three hours. A friend called and invited us to dinner, but we were so happy, content, and relaxed, we declined. 

Instead we rode the Vespa to the food trucks and got lobster rolls. 

We tried to make a 7:45 movie, but it was sold out. So we came home and watched "Our Souls at Night" on iTunes. When Marty came home, he said it seemed like the most boring movie. It was slow-paced, but warm, and starred Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. 
It was a bit sad, but redeeming too and we liked it.
Happy 49, Babe! I love being with you!

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