Saturday, May 25, 2019

School's Out Parties

Finally some decent weather, so we invited Chris' friends families over for a BBQ. But we couldn't visit past 8:30 because Chris and "Sigma Uce" (they named their friend group) were having a party.

All these men have been like 2nd Dads to Chris. He admires them all so much.
It was a BIG party. I counted at least 200. Chris thinks at one time there were 300. 

They hung Sigma Uce banners, put out tiki torches and decorated with a Hawaiian theme. 
The boys started decorating while the parents were still eating and visiting. 
We love seeing how creative they are -- and they don't even use Pinterest! 
Beach balls in the pool, table covers with fringe, grass skirts, tiki torches. 

(as I write this, I can hear them all singing "School's Out" in Chris' room. 😂)

And about 11:00 p.m. we got a knock on the door. 
The police had arrived to shut it down because it was so loud. 
But they were super impressed there was no alcohol (and relieved).

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