Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Exciting News!!

Courtney's been accepted to a PhD program at Columbia!!! Yay!! She has a great story to tell and if she blogs about it, I will post a link to it here.

But the short version is she decided this year she was interested in pursuing her PhD. She talked to her counselor for info. She talked to her lab professor and expressed interest. She worked really hard and was very dependable and smart in the lab. She decided to apply next fall, BUT, there was a possibility that her current lab wouldn't match with applicants and they'd have a spot. AND they also had to wait to see if there was funding.

...There was also a series of events of Courtney being at the right place at the right time and taking the opportunities given to her... we always attribute this to her relationship with God. Being good about letting him know her goals. Asking what he thinks. Putting her faith in Him that He has a plan for her. And putting her faith in him that he loves her and wants her to accomplish her goals. And she listens to the promptings she receives. It sounds simple, but it's hard work and takes unfailing faith. But like so many things she does, she is willing to put in the hard work.

Then the test. Someone asked who would be willing to do some extra work. Courtney volunteered. Then the professor let Courtney know they'd received the funding. That by being willing to do the work they asked, she'd passed their test to know how committed/interested she was and offered her a spot!!!

That's my version and hers is much better. But I'm so happy for her because she's so excited! She finishes the school year the first of May. Then she goes on a big Europe trip with her friends. Then she'll work in the lab the rest of the summer. And in the Fall she'll begin her PhD program. You Go Girl!

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