Monday, August 14, 2017

Skiing in Bariloche

We are spoiled in Utah with our awesome snow, facilities, high-speed lifts and mountains! 

Dan and kids couldn't wait to ski in the middle of the summer. I was excited to see somewhere new and planned on having a good attitude skiing. 

By the time we got to the resort and rented our gear it was afternoon. And raining. We headed to the lifts and were confused which lift to take. Because the line was so dang long. Surely it wasn't for the regular ski lifts. It was. We waited in line for over an hour. And this is when we started to realize how genuinely awesome skiing in Utah is.

Because of high winds, (and probably because of the age of the chairlifts) the tops of the mountains were closed. And literally hundreds of high school kids were on tour groups having a "ski experience" day. Two lifts were running and with so many people in such a small area, the bottom of the mountain was mud! It was definitely a new ski experience for us!
Another sign of Marty!

After two runs, Nick and I were soaking wet and freezing and he was done and I graciously offered to sit with him in a restaurant. Soon Chris joined us. Courtney and Dan braved another run. And then we were done.

It was fun practicing our Spanish. And we had amazing hot chocolate at a shop in the village. But I don't think I love skiing so much to trade a summer day.

That evening we had another wonderful dinner with Daniel Dominguez and his beautiful family--another of Dan and Kurt's missionaries who was an AP during their mission. As we made introductions between our three families, he got tears in his eyes and hugged Kurt and Dan, so happy to see they were still active in the Gospel and in their service in the church. It was a sweet reunion once again. This was another "Argentine timeframe" dinner that began at 8:30 p.m. and lasted well past 11:00.  Another delicious meal with families that felt like longtime friends. What a wonderful evening!

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