Sunday, August 13, 2017

Recoleta and San Telmo

On Sunday we went to the Belgrano Ward which was in Dan's first area he served in. Coincidentally, it is also Yvonne's ward. AND Juan Davison is in the Stake Presidency of that ward and decided to attend that Sunday so he could see us again.

(But getting to Church was a little crazy! We had to take three taxis and only after Dan and the boys had jumped in one did I remember I had no money. We had already crossed the street so were yelling to Kurt as he jumped in a taxi to wait and give us money! He did and then they took off. However, no other taxis came for over 5 more minutes. Courtney, Madi, Lily and I had to start making a plan of how we would get there. It was several miles so too far to walk. I finally had the idea to walk to a nearby hotel and the doormen could call us a taxi. But right then, an empty cab finally pulled up! Meanwhile at church Dan, Kurt and Tiff were getting a bit nervous wondering where we were.)

Because they had had Stake Conference the week before, this Sunday was testimony meeting. I could actually understand a lot of what was said and Yvonne was able to fill us in on who was who.

Dan bore his testimony and we started to realize that this trip to Argentina had a lot more mission significance than any of us realized it would have. And it was the most wonderful addition. It added a spiritual component that transformed our trip from simply sight seeing with our children and friends to a trip that included something of an eternal nature. 

Dan spoke about how his first area was in that building. And that even though he didn't know much Spanish, his first convert was President Davison, who was now in the Stake Presidency of the area. And that he had a testimony of missionary work and serving a mission.
Elder Costa's mom was also in that ward and bore her testimony. (He spoke last General Conference and was super cute and gave a great talk.) She spoke about how she was converted by a different missionary who is now a general authority.

At the end of the meeting President Davison bore his testimony. At one time the convert and now teaching the missionary who converted him and the whole ward. He said that even though Elder Shaeffer didn't know much Spanish and was a new missionary, he had given him the Gift of the Holy Ghost and he had enjoyed the blessings of that gift for the rest of his life. And we as members of the Church all have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost which can be a blessing in our life when we listen to the promptings. 

It was a wonderful meeting! After, we went back to Yvonne's high-rise apartment with her and saw their beautiful view. It was fun hanging out with her for a little longer!

She called us a few cars and we headed to Recoleta cemetery and found Eva Peron's grave. Just outside the cemetery we shopped for souvenirs at the street market. 

Then we walked home and picked up lunch from "The Food Trucks" restaurant (which reminded us of back home). 

Carrying the food orders home!
And after lunch we had just enough time to visit San Telmo antiques outdoor market. Kurt found the seltzer bottles he collects and Courtney found a couple of records and a ring. (The boys enjoyed NOT going shopping at the market!)

And then we left to the airport (AGAIN) to fly to Bariloche. We will be spending the next couple of days in the snow! It's August! 

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