Sunday, December 13, 2020

Lizzie's Birthday! (Yesterday)

 Happy 23 Lizzie!

First off, it's really sad that below is the best pic I have of Lizzie on her birthday.
And actually, its not even on her day, but the day after! 
But it is kinda cute how much fun they're having together. 
Or more a pic of how brave she is to ride the hoverboard with Marty!

Saturday is a great day for a birthday because everyone gets to sleep in AND
have birthday breakfast and open presents together! (Breakfast burritos per Lizzie's request!)

Several things I admire about Lizzie are she's the kind of girl 
who sets goals for herself and accomplishes them.
This year she's learning to bake and decorate cakes with her sister, Bubsy.

She has two scholarships to BYU -- an academic and a departmental. Wow!
She embraces hard work, not only getting her degree in Elementary Ed, 
but also making time for working 20+ hours/week at the MTC. (Online for now!)

She's a beautiful violinist AND plays the piano. She's also a runner.

She's got a competitive streak and doesn't shy away from going for the win when we're playing games.
She's easy to talk to, is interested in the people she's with and asks such thoughtful questions.
She's a great conversationalist.

Best of all, she and Marty are perfect for each other.
Marty adores Lizzie and so do we!

We've loved having them home this week.
They've had online classes since Thanksgiving, so they decided to stay here.
(Except for the night they got word there was a flood in the adjoining apartment and had to drive to Provo at 9:00 at night! Fortunately, just water on the floor, no damage. Now in the hands of the landlord.)

They've both had last week of classes and first finals so they've been busy all day studying.
And Lizzie teaches online MTC each day, so she's extra busy. 

But when they're not working or studying, they're doing puzzles, doing the dishes, snuggling in the red fuzzy blanket or thinking up a fun game or show we can all watch. 

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