Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mission Moms of Sigma Uce

It's kind of hard to believe that I never really met or talked to many of Chris' best friends' moms (or dads) until we started going to their mission call openings. 

We texted, of course, mainly because one mom organized mission prep for them once a month at each of our homes their Junior and Senior years. It was super cool for the boys to have mission prep and hear stories and testimonies from each of the dads and some of the moms about their missions. Every single parent LOVED their mission and loved sharing advice and their testimonies and the boys loved seeing the spiritual sides of these parents who they loved so much.

Some of the parents I've known for a long time and others I saw more often, but at least four or five I had only met in passing once or twice!

It started to become a thing to attend all the mission call openings. The first one we debated whether we should go or not, but then one mom said she was going and a few more chimed in they'd like to and then it turned into a thing that both the moms and dads showed up at each one. It was super cool.

Pretty soon we decided to have a moms lunch. 
Then with all the mission prep and graduation we started texting a ton. (Where did you get shirts? Ties? Someone found a good deal on luggage, etc.)

We had dinner this week and talked and laughed and swapped missionary stories.
They spent so much time at each of our homes, they feel like they have 11 moms and dads.

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