Thursday, November 08, 2018


Yesterday I was distracted. I had lots I could have been doing, but instead I surfed on the computer all day researching. Surfing is a way that modern society distracts ourselves from responsibility or emotions. Its an avoidance technique.

And can I admit something? I'd intended on reading my scriptures and saying my morning soon as I figured out this one thing on the computer. And after that I was going out to exercise. But I was in my exercise clothes all day. And I was on the computer all day. And I never went out. Or said my prayers or read my scriptures. Yes, I was looking for particular information. But, I wasn't productive. I was trying to distract myself.

Would praying really help? It wouldn't change anything. I still had to wait. I still had to be patient. So it was easy to put on the back burner and eventually neglect.

(That evening I had to take Nick to tennis. So I did take a walk around the golf course and neighborhoods by the zoo while he was in class. I liked that.)

Today I got up and said my prayers. Then after the kids were off to school I took my walk then sat outside on the adirondack chairs and read my scriptures while leaves fell from the trees all around me. Then I got busy doing life.

I still had no more information on my problem I was researching than I did yesterday. I was still waiting to find answers. Nothing about my problem really had changed from yesterday. BUT I believe that because I took the time to pray and give my burden to the Lord, I was able to not be distracted by the burden. I was able to be patient and function and move forward.

Something as small as praying and asking for help really can make a difference. Heavenly Father is with us. He will walk by our side. But we have to ask.

"Be patient in afflictions for thought shalt have many. But endure them, for lo I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days." D&C 24:8

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