Monday, November 27, 2017

Shaeffer Thanksgiving

It's kind of weird that I don't have any photos of Marty and Erin or EC and Marty while they were here! But Thanksgiving highlights include:
* Courtney coming home!
* A delicious dinner by Kelly and his boys at Jo Ellen's on Tuesday.
* Flying Marty's new drone -- a Christmas gift from Dan (given early)
* All of us at the Jazz game Wednesday night
* Feasting on Thursday
* Watching "Lucky Logan" movie on Thursday on the big new couch
* Shopping with Erin on Friday -- Amaryllis for neighbor gifts at Home Depot and cutesy stuff at cutesy stores as well.
* Erin baking peanut butter with Kisses cookies and Anise cookies while I baked soup for the Weaver party.
* Reconnecting with all the Weaver cousins Friday night
* Lights at Temple Square
* A final hurrah meal at CousCous near Jo Ellen's on Saturday
* Marty and EC coming home with us for the weekend
* JeniBee market with Marty & EC

Look at the beautiful presentation of Jacob's Thanksgiving meal! Picture perfect!

We remembered to use the pig!

Courtney and Kershaw

Ha ha ha! Shopping with Erin.

Nicholas prepping for an airsoft war!

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