Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving in the Land of the Sun and Warm and Beach and Palm Trees and Relaxation

When we realized we couldn't take our annual trip to Maui in January (EC's big 80th bday celebration in Arizona!), we were sad for a second. And then we decided to go over Thanksgiving instead. That meant Courtney couldn't come because she's in Bristol. So we were sad for another second. And then we weren't, because we were going to Hawaii! And Courtney will be fine. (You're fine, right, Courtney?)
Our hotel and beach.
Our plan was to not have a plan. If we decided we wanted an excursion, we'd take one. But we wouldn't plan ahead so that we didn't have to go anywhere if we didn't want to. Except for one thing. Booking dinner at Mama's Fish House. Everyone wanted to eat there. Of course.

We got the kids out of school a bit early on Monday and arrived in Maui at 9:00 their time, 1:00 a.m. our time. It's always a little late, but everyone powers through because we were waking up in Hawaii!

Chris came prepared for the flight with an extension cord so he could plug in if there were any adaptors in the waiting area. Oh, Chris. This cracked me up and made me think of the time on a road trip that Courtney brought a pencil sharpener. Great thinking. And then we busted up when suddenly she whips out the pencil sharpener and we hear a motor cutting through that pencil. She'd brought the big electric one!

Tuesday morning, Dan and I took our walk to Makena. We take the same route every time and we love it. Warm, blue skies, lush vegetation, beautiful homes. At the end of our route, we walked up to the bluff to look out over the ocean.

Below on the beach a group of people were standing around with beach bags and cover-ups on. It seemed a little peculiar that they were all gathered there.

And then the catamaran pulled into the bay. What?! A way to get to Molokini crater without having to drive 30 min. to the boats? Molokini crater with an hour cut off the boating time?! We found our Wednesday activity. And the boys were game.

But Tuesday, after Dan and I got back we all went down to the beach and swam in the ocean, swam in the pool, jumped in the plunge pool and headed to lunch. All within 1 hour. While I was on the phone with Courtney. The rest of the day we relaxed.

Wednesday we got up early to take our catamaran tour to Molokini crater. The snorkeling was fun, waves were a bit rocky. Chris and Marty practiced their free-diving. I saw a jelly fish. Also an eel and a long needle-type fish that I didn't find described in the "fishes of Molokini" book. We also snorkeled at turtle town and saw a couple big turtles.

Can you see the turtle?

Mama's Fish House Dinner

He must have his picture with the tiki man
Thursday we played down at the beach for a while and the boys made sand cities. We watched the Cowboys game for a while and then got our Thanksgiving meal... heated up.

Appetizers & Cowboys. But look at the view!

Lots of Skip-Bo and Rummikub to make Mom happy!

That evening Dan and I walked down the beach path and looked at all the hotels having their Thanksgiving buffets and Luaus and were VERY glad we were not stuck at one.

Thanksgiving night lights down the coast. View from Grand Wailea.
Friday morning, the jellyfish had come to town so the beach had the warning flags up -- so we hung out at the pool instead
Can't complain about relaxing here today.

In the afternoon the boys went golfing.  This is how I spend several hours of free time:
Bed, book, magazines, treats, phone call to Courtney.
That night we were bummed that Nick's Fishhouse was already booked, 
but we took our annual photo anyway. 

Saturday the jellyfish flag was still up and it was time to pack up and go home. But!!! the flag came down! So we went down to the beach for our last hour.  Then it was time to go home. 

So long sun! We will miss you!

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