Friday, October 25, 2013


Today I slept in. Dan got the kids breakfast and out the door and I could hear them saying their goodbyes and I thought that I didn't like not saying goodbye and not giving them a hug when they left for the day.

Today Tiffany called and I haven't talked to her in a long time. We talked about our kids and laughed as we got caught up and then made plans for a couples trip. Sometime soon.

Today no workers came and the house was quiet for the first time in over a week. I took my time getting ready.

Today I went to breakfast with friends. We laughed so hard I cried. Several times over. After 2 hours we still didn't want to leave.

Today I met a new neighbor who is building a new house. I saw her over the fence and was so curious I ran over and introduced myself. She was wonderful!

Today I ran errands -- did some shopping and gift buying and tried on a cute sweater. I bought the mascara mom said Rachel said we should all have. I wanted to make sure it didn't smear when I laughed so hard I cried. Like earlier. I bonded with a friendly saleslady.

Today I made Chris play in the yard and chatted with Marty when he came home from baseball.

Today I went to Rite Aid to buy some treats and some new batteries for Courtney's old calculator that she needs me to send to Washington. And then went to the post office to mail it.

Today a worker came in the late afternoon to start adding door trim.

Today I came home from the post office and found Nicholas carving a pumpkin. He wanted to give a birthday gift to a friend "wrapped" in a pumpkin. He'd covered the counter with plastic, got a bowl for the guts and had already cut off the top when I walked in.

Today Marty said he was headed to the football game and I said I'd see him there.

This is normal.
Today I grabbed a handful of chocolate and was surfing on Pinterest for shadow costume ideas and carpet colors. 

And then 5 minutes later Marty called to say he had been in an accident. He said everyone was okay. I said if there was much damage to the cars we should call the police. He said his car had been flipped upside down.

This is what I saw in the middle of the day:

This is 5 minutes later.
Everyone was okay. The firefighters and police officers and the witnesses that saw it happen were amazed that 3 kids crawled out of the car.  Kids number four and five decided at the last minute to go with another friend.

We feel very blessed today. Marty's two friends had to go to the hospital to get checked for injuries.  One needed stitches from several glass cuts from crawling out on the glass.  The other has severe whiplash.  Everyone is sleeping home in their own beds tonight. Parents and friends have been so loving and so grateful for everyone's safety. And that this accident wasn't a tragedy.  We are feeling so grateful that the phone calls we received were from our own kids saying they were all right.

I am so grateful today.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I loved hearing about your day, and I totally didn't expect the ending. Glad they are OK!