Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Courtney in Guadeloupe, Week 2

We waited expectantly for Courtney's next call, not sure if she'd call on the weekend or not until the following Wednesday.  Tuesday evening I got home and checked our caller ID and saw an unusual number...  Marty forgot to tell me that Courtney had called!!

Me: "Well, what did she say?"
Marty: "She was wondering what her AP scores were."
"Did you find them?"
"She doesn't have internet access so she had me log into her e-mail and I read her your e-mail you'd sent with her scores."
"Was she excited?"
"What else?"
"I don't remember."
"Are you Kidding Me?!?!"
(This boy has a lot to learn before he gets married. A woman likes DETAILS. Luckily he's only 15.)

"So how did she respond when you told her her scores?"
"Did she say, 'oh, that's nice,' or did she scream, "Wahoo!! Yay!!"
"She screamed like that."
"Can't you remember anything else?"

The next day she called again. And I was home and got to talk to her for 4 minutes until we were abruptly disconnected when her calling card ran out of minutes.

What she said:
She sounded very happy. She is sleeping much better. She wasn't sure if it's cooler or she's getting used to the heat. But she always wears her hair up in a bun because it's too hot to have it touching her.  She tried braiding it to look nice before going to a family's home for dinner, but it's so humid and sticky it's hard to get your fingers through your hair!

She has a good friend, Olivia, who she spends a lot of time with.

The other day a little boy found her and started singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes." It was the song she'd taught him the day before!

Some of the projects they've worked on are building a pavilion, teaching English and building a bridge. She thought they'd continue the bridge for the following week.

One night a week they pair up and go to dinner in a family's home.  She was dreading speaking French the whole evening but as it turned out, the Mom of the family asked her very simple questions that she could understand and easily respond to, "Where are you from?" "Do you have any brothers and sisters?" "What are their names?" etc. She said the mom was a good conversationalist and made the whole evening fun. They also had a daughter who was learning English and had been working in Montreal at the Gap and they had fun talking to her.

Our conversation ended with me saying, "The Gap? Did you say she worked at The Gap?"

And then the phone went dead. I waited for another 30 minutes to see if she'd call back.
But she didn't.
I figured she'd run out of minutes or time and that was ok. I hoped that at least. I assumed they hadn't had a massive earthquake or tsunami and our last conversation ever ended with me shouting into the phone, "Did you say she worked at The Gap?"

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