Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Random October Photos

Why, yes, I do know it's nearly the end of November. But I didn't want to miss posting these photos that I took in October and meant to post then, but didn't. And while I'm thinking of things I've wanted to do but haven't, I'm reminded that with Nicholas going to preschool 5 days a week this year, I'd made a plan of what I was going to do in the afternoon with my 3 hours of free time. I was going to spend an hour writing, blog regularly and spend 30 minutes practicing the piano. Now, being nearly November, I've achieved only 1 day of that "free time." Today's time was spent preparing some things for Primary and the Preschool Fundraiser as well as a quick trip to Costco to pick up our Christmas Cards. Most days are something like that. Although yesterday was spent exercising, and well, I admit it, reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." So much for improving my piano and writing skills. Maybe in January?

These were taken on October 29. I'd never seen anything like it before -- these beautiful plants encased in ice. It was amazing!

Utah Airport Parking Lot -- arriving home from Palm Springs. That seagull just seemed like an appropriate welcoming committee.

Underneath our couch. Mmmmm...

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