Monday, October 12, 2009

Nicholas is Still Cruisin'

Last night Nicholas asked if we could have dinner 'like in a restaurant.'  "Bring the bread first.  And then we'll wait a really long time for the rest of the food."  Christopher has been requesting a candlelight dinner.  So at 5:30 p.m. we lit candles in the dining room and ate "restaurant style."

Today I asked Nick if he wanted an egg for breakfast.
Nick:  Yes, on a French muffin.
Angela:  English muffin?
Nick:  Yeah, an English muffin. Scramble it and make it like a sandwich.
Angela:  We don't have any English muffins.  How about toast?
Nick:  (Sighs) Fine.  Scrambled on toast.   With an orange.  And a bowl of cereal.  And some orange juice.

Anything else, Nicholas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a life that one becomes easily accustomed to.
"Let's play restaurant" used to be words I dreaded. Either because I was the waitress or there was a giant mess in the kitchen.